Event schedules

Pre-event hike, Saturday October 6: Jack London State Historic Park

(photo credit: A. Ardeshir)

We will go to Jack London State History Park, in Glen Ellen (approx. 1.5 hours driving distance from Davis). We will gather and leave Davis in the morning by 9 am via car-pool. The hike will be a guided loop of approx. 2 miles, over a relatively flat terrain, towards a lake, followed by a picnic near the parking lot (feel free to bring a dish to share). Dr. Amir Ardeshir is our tour guide. After lunch, participants can return to Davis, or depending on their time, do another 2-mile hike in the afternoon to see the ruins of Jack London’s “Wolf House”, and visit his grave site.

To learn more about Jack London (American author, journalist and activist), click here; to see a video about the park, click here.

Participation in this event is optional and there is no cost for this. There is a park entrance/parking fee of $10 per car Sahaya is not liable for any injuries.

We encourage participants to also register and fundraise for Sahaya Walks. It is easy to create a fundraising page and ask your friends and relatives to sponsor you for this walk (click the “Join” button at the top of this page). Every amount of funds we raise will make a big different to help the HIV+ children and youth in India.

Mr. Selvam, founder of our partner organization READ (which directly helps the HIV+ children that we are supporting), and Sahaya founder Koen Van Rompay, will also participate in this walk. So this will be an extra opportunity to talk and hang out with them and many other Sahaya friends.

(photo credit: A. Ardeshir)

Participants will need to carpool and bring their own snacks. If you are interested to join us this day, e-mail us at koen@sahaya.org to be added to the list, and let us know whether, if we are in need of extra drivers, you are willing to drive and take a few people also in your car. We will then send out more information closer to the day with further arrangements.

Program on October 14, from 1 pm to 4 pm at International House, Davis

Where: International House Davis (10 College Park, Davis, CA 95616)

1:00 pm:

  • Start of check-in/ on-site registration
  • Lunch: with food provided by Preethi Indian Cuisine; we’ll also have a potluck so feel free to bring a side-dish (such as a salad) or dessert to share.
  • Activities (including face painting, henna, origami, photobooth)

2:00 pm:

  • Opening ceremony with several performers/speakers, including
    • VSP-alumni
    • The dynamic duo,
    • UCD Project Rishi
    • Mr. Selvam, founder of our partner organization READ (Rural Education and Action) in rural Andimadam, India that directly takes care of the HIV+ children and youth for whom we organize the Sahaya Walks campaign. Thanks to the many programs of READ, the adults and youth of this community are building a better future through improved education, healthcare and socio-economic opportunities such as small businesses and vocational training. We are honored to have a role in their work, and are proud that Mr. Selvam will be special guest at Sahaya Walks.
    • Koen Van Rompay (Sahaya founder),
    • and more to be announced soon
  • Walk: a leisurely half-mile, 10-minute walk, fit for all ages.
  • Post-walk activities: continued fun activities, snacks
Vinita Domier, MC of Sahaya Walks
Koen (founder of Sahaya International) and Selvam (founder of READ, the organization in India that supports the HIV+ children)


Watch below the video with song “Let’s go Sahaya” by Indian musician Sandeep Khurana, with footage of our 2014 Sahaya Walks.

Sahaya Walks 2014 from Sahaya International on Vimeo.